Heat pumps are gaining increasing popularity in the Polish market. This trend undoubtedly influences the emergence of new manufacturers and devices. One of the debuting brands with innovative heating solutions is KONSI Feel the Balance, which launched in March 2023. Its range includes modern air conditioners and heat pumps that stand out from the competition. In this article, you will learn what makes the KONSI Ondo R32 heat pump unique.

Ondo heat pump – Air/Water split type

The Ondo heat pump operates on the proven and widely used R32 refrigerant in the HVAC industry. KONSI Ondo is a reliable product, perfect for installation in buildings requiring modern and eco-friendly heat sources. It features extremely quiet operation that won’t disrupt your comfort. The applied solutions allow for efficient service and installation work, significantly reducing operating costs. The compact housing guarantees easy installation and avoids cluttering utility rooms. Another convenience for installers is the freon connections outside the compressor-condenser unit. Additionally, the built-in function for collaboration with PV and solar systems via the SmartGrid and Solar connections is worth mentioning. An interesting solution is the single-point condensate drainage from the outdoor unit using a profiled drip tray – this enhances both the aesthetics of the device and enables faster and more convenient installation.

Przewagi Pompy Ciepla Ondo (2)
Konsi Ondo Lista

End users will certainly appreciate the additional features of the Ondo heat pump. Notable is the use of a high-power 9 kW electric heater, which ensures constant thermal comfort even in the event of a device failure. The 4G module allows for remote control even in areas without Wi-Fi access. The device is also equipped with a modular built-in controller, which can be relocated to another room away from the unit and used as a thermostat thanks to the built-in temperature sensors.

Heat pumps for you

Heat pumps are perfect as comprehensive solutions for maintaining a comfortable temperature in rooms throughout the year. With their growing popularity, heat pumps on the market are increasingly offering more conveniences for both end users and installers. KONSI devices fit well into these trends and are among the most modern heat pumps available. The KONSI brand emphasizes balance, which is why high eco-friendliness, functionality, and exceptionally quiet operation are crucial for the offered heat pumps. When considering a thermal modernization of a building, it is worth applying for a subsidy. All KONSI devices meet the requirements of available subsidy programs, and our specialists will assist you in submitting the necessary documentation.

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feel the balance

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